Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripter
The newly upgraded HK.ESWL-V brings better lithotripsy performance, faster imaging system, a more user-friendly touchscreen, and so much more for the most extraordinary user experience
Shockwave Generator
Electromagnetic/electro-hydraulic generator ensures consistent delivery and reliable energy
Low re-treatment rate

Revolving C-arm
Revolving C-arm for easy localization
Accurate positioning ensured by integrated isocentric shockwave head and X-ray system

Operating System
Remote and table-side control
High definition imaging monitor
Touchscreen and joystick control

Patient Table
6-direction motorized table,perfect for ESWL treatment
Patient table can be used as an operating table
Integrated design for fast and accurate positioning

Dual Mode Imaging
Dual-mode imaging using X-ray and ultrasound
Outlined ultrasound offers more accurate stone localization and continuous monitoring
Reliable digital archiving and acquisition system
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