Coating Thickness Gauge

Coating Thickness Gauge uses magnetic and eddy current principles to measure paint thickness on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, accurately and quickly.


● Two principles of operation are adopted: magnetic induction (ferrous) and eddy current (non-ferrous) to take non-destructive measurements.

● Features two working modes: DIRECT and BATCH & two measuring ways: CONTINUE and SINGLE

● Statistics include the mean, maximum, minimum, test numbers and standard deviation.

● Memory of 10000 data

● Adjustment and Correction: the system error can be corrected by basic calibrating method.

● Alarming function: alarming automatically if measuring values out of pre-set limitation

● Battery Indicator: Low battery indicator

● Printing function: measuring value, statistic value can be printed

● Error warning Function: error warning in display during malfunction

● Manual or automatic shutdown.