AED7000 Plus

The AED7000 Plus is the latest upgrade to the bullet proof AED 7000. This new release offers a high color LCD Screen which allows the visualization of prompts as well as ECG. The unit remains extremely light at only 1.5kg. The AED7000 Plus is an excellent choice for both First Responders and Trained Professionals.

Product Description

The AED7000 Plus is the latest upgrade to the bullet proof AED 7000. This new release offers a high color LCD Screen which allows the visualization of prompts as well as ECG. The unit remains extremely light at only 1.5kg. The AED7000 Plus is an excellent choice for both First Responders and Trained Professionals.


Three-step defibrillation process
Two-button operation
Extensive voice and visual prompts for the operator
Biphasic energy output
Lock-out protection to prevent inadvertent defibrillation
Continuous event recording for reporting each use to a printer or computer
Weekly self-test to ensure readiness
Color LCD screen
Adult and Pediatric Defibrillation
CPR coaching(Optional)